Pool by David Rodriguez

I am interested in Pop Art and Surrealism as artistic currents. I believe that art must be something popular that is within the reach of the whole world. This idea is taken from Pop Art. For me, it is important to connect with the viewer.

Inspired by the art of Guy Bourdin and David Hockney David Rodriguez creates a colourful series influenced by pop art and surrealism. An electric blue pool in a disembodied geometric space and the people who can be found here. A photographic series heavy in concept and form.


The series "Pool" (2017) is the logical continuation of the series "Fresh", 2016. About a year after, "Pool" moves us to one of those summer days in which the sun and the heat reign. "Pool" is inspired by the paintings that David Hockney dedicated to the swimming pool, in which the different scenes are developed around one. In this series, the minimalist compositions predominate, the geometric forms and the luminous colours, where the water and its movement have a special stardom.

Tell us more about you and your artwork.

My name is David Rodríguez and I am from Spain. From an early age, I have always been attracted to the art world, but my love for photography didn't´t start until 2013, the year I bought my first reflex camera, and I began to explore my attraction to art. Shortly afterwards, I began to train myself through several courses, and also in a self-taught way. While I was studying, I discovered new photographers.

How did you plan for this project? What was your creative process?

Water has always been a source of inspiration for me. “Pool” is a clear example of this influence. It is possible that because of living in an island, it has always been a very common element in my life.

The series "Pool" (2017) moves us to one of those summer days in which the sun and the heat reign. "Pool" is inspired by the paintings that David Hockney dedicated to the swimming pool, in which the different scenes are developed around one. In this series, the minimalist compositions predominate, the geometric forms and the luminous colors, where the water and its movement have a special stardom.

I like to photograph people. Each person inspires a different sensation, so before I do the shooting, I imagine how I would like to portray him or her. Then, I create a concept and imagine a story. I do not like to get attached to reality. Instead, I like to transform it, challenging the model with unusual situations. I play with the model, making each session a culture encounter, but also an enriching and surprising experience for both of us. The use of the photography techniques I use, whether high speed, long exposure or others, is determined by the conceptual preconception I had in mind.

What work inspires or has inspired you?

One of my favorites photographers is Guy Bourdin. There is a photography of him that fascinate me enormously. In the picture, there is a girl under the water with her eyes and mouth open. The first time I saw the picture, I was enthralled with this image instantly, and this is how I came up with the idea for the "Fresh" series and them, the “Pool” series. Works like those of Man Ray, Erwin Blumenfeld or David Hockney inspire me immensely.


Are there any artistic movements you enjoy in particular and why?

I am interested in Pop Art and Surrealism as artistic currents. I believe that art must be something popular that is within the reach of the whole world. This idea is taken from Pop Art. For me, it is important to connect with the viewer. I may sound selfish, but I have a need for the photos I do. First, I believe in my works, so when I think I got something good, the feeling of sharing it with everyone else invades me. I like to transmit emotions with my art and to observe how spectators conceive it.

Do you have any opinions or ideals underlying your art?

I believe that art must be something popular that is within the reach of the whole world. This idea is taken from Pop Art. For me, it is important to connect with the viewer. I may sound selfish, but I have a need for the photos I do. First, I believe in my works, so when I think I got something good, the feeling of sharing it with everyone else invades me. I like to transmit emotions with my art and to observe how spectators conceive it. A photograph, like a movie, or a novel has to convey some meaning, and that is why I seek to transmit emotions.


You’ve mentioned the series being inspired by two very graphic visual artists Guy Bourdin and David Hockney. Is this a homage to their own style? Is this body of work just your own reaction to their own work?

These photos have a greater influence of David Hockney that of Guy Bourdin. From David Hockney I have taken the colour and location but from Guy Bourdin you can see that I have taken inspiration in the pose. I really like the way he posed the models.

 Any words for aspiring photographers?

Constant work, self-belief, and creativity make a difference from other photographers. This is the advice I would give to all those artists trying to make it through this profession. It is clear that everything is already invented, we live in the age of  information, thanks to the Internet we can access at many and varied contents. The ability is to know how to combine what is already invented to generate something new.

The hardest thing of all this is to maintain perseverance. There will always be people asking you why you do this or that, or why you do not do something different. You will touch many doors before one opens, but you must be constant and keep your integrity.

 Is there anything you’re currently working on?

Although water has always been a source of inspiration for me, in my next series I will not use this element. Recently, I have just finished "Fresh II". Soon I will begin to prepare a new series of blurry photographs in full colour, which is possibly my most ambitious work to date. The photographic series will be composed of surreal portraits in which the characters will be dressed up with old costumes.

View his work. Follow his IG.